For people all across North America, unemployment crisis pay is about to run out or already has. Many workers were laid off during the early days of the pandemic and the struggle to find a new job in a shifting market was complicated at best. But now, even as benefits are running out, there is hope on the horizon. When should you begin your job search to get back to work?
Companies Want Top Talent
As people regain confidence in the job market, companies are mining candidates for top talent. Don’t be left out because you’re not striking while the iron is hot. New jobs are being posted, so you want to be at the front of that line before crisis pay runs out and the market becomes flooded.
Alternate Jobs May Be a Good Fit
Was your previous career causing you to feel burned out? You can use this transition as an opportunity to consider alternative jobs. Take your transferable skills and apply to jobs in new industries that may be a better fit. Now is a great time to try something new.
Better Opportunities to Network
If nothing else, you need to use this time as a way to network. If no one knows you’re looking for a job, they’ll never find you. If you’re where the opportunities are, you put yourself in a better position. Beef up your professional profile online. LinkedIn is still the most used online network for hiring. You can also get in touch with industry professionals in your area.
Keep Your Budget in Check
One thing you don’t want to do is not have an income when the crisis pay ends. While you may have savings, there is no telling how long that will last, especially if you are faced with an emergency. Finding a job now will keep your income stream consistent.
Apply with a Recruiter
One way to find your next opportunity is to partner with a staffing service. Recruiters are often the first to know about new job opportunities. Applying with an agency now will help you stay at the top of the list when new jobs become available.
Are you in the market for your next job? Contact Alliance Employment Group to apply with us today.